Frontend developer coding on a computer, with colorful and imaginative elements emerging from the screen.

Feb 28, 2024

When and How to Hire Front-End Developers in 2024

Learn about the importance of front-end development in 2024, the latest trends and technologies, and when you need to hire a front-end developer for your web project.

In today's digital age, where a website's first impression can make or break a user's perception, the art and science of front-end development have taken center stage. Imagine front-end development as the bridge connecting the technical world of coding with the creative realm of design, a place where aesthetics meet functionality to create seamless, user-friendly experiences. This nuanced blend of skills and technologies is not just about making websites look pretty; it's about crafting digital experiences that resonate with users, promote brand identity, and drive user engagement. Teaching yourself how to hire a frontend developer, is crucial for your business

Front-End Trends in 2024

The front-end development is in a constant state of flux, with 2024 marking a year of exciting innovations and challenges. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are blurring the lines between web and mobile apps, offering users a smooth, app-like experience without the need for downloads. The rise of Jamstack architecture and serverless technologies is revolutionizing how we think about web development—emphasizing speed, security, and scalability.

When Do You Need a Front-End Developer?

1. Building a New Website

  • Tasks: Design and develop the website's layout, integrate graphics and multimedia and ensure the site is responsive and mobile-friendly.

  • Solution: A front-end developer can translate the company's vision into a functional and aesthetically pleasing website, focusing on the look and feel, as well as the site's responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes.

2. Developing Web Applications

  • Tasks: Build interactive and dynamic single-page applications (SPAs), create forms and user input validation, and ensure cross-browser compatibility.

  • Solution: For applications requiring real-time user interaction without reloading the page, front-end developers use frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to create a seamless experience.

3. Ensuring Website Accessibility

  • Tasks: Implement accessibility standards (WCAG), ensure the website is usable for people with disabilities, and conduct accessibility audits.

  • Solution: To make the web more inclusive, front-end developers focus on accessibility, ensuring that websites are navigable and functional for users with a wide range of abilities.

4. Improving Website Performance

  • Tasks: Optimize loading times, implement code splitting, optimize images and assets, and ensure the site is accessible to all users.

  • Solution: A front-end developer can significantly improve a website's loading time and overall performance by optimizing the front-end resources, which can lead to better user retention and higher SEO rankings.

5. Integrating with Backend Services

  • Tasks: Work closely with backend developers to integrate APIs for fetching and displaying data, and handle user authentication and sessions.

  • Solution: Front-end developers need to connect the website or web application's front-end with server-side technologies and databases, fetching and displaying data dynamically to users.

Don’t have backend developers yet and don’t know if you need them? Our latest read is here to help. We've broken down what backend development really means, helping you spot the moment it's time to expand your team with these essential talents. Plus, we'll guide you through finding the best minds for the job.

Now let’s get back to our frontend side, If you already have a brilliant idea but don’t know yet what technology to use, I hope this explanation will be helpful:

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

  • Summary: The backbone of the web, HTML is not a programming language per se but a markup language that structures web content. It defines the skeleton of web pages, embedding links, paragraphs, headings, and data tables.

  • Best For: All types of web projects, from simple informational websites to complex web applications.

  • Companies Using It: Every company with a website uses HTML, including tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

  • Summary: CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML. It controls the layout, colors, fonts, and the overall visual aspect of the web.

  • Best For: Styling web pages and user interfaces for applications. It's crucial for creating responsive designs that work on various devices.

  • Companies Using It: Similar to HTML, every company with a web presence utilizes CSS, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


  • Summary: A powerful scripting language that enables interactive web pages. It's essential for adding dynamic content, animations, and form validations to websites, making the user experience more engaging.

  • Best For: Single Page Applications (SPAs), real-time data visualization, and interactive web applications. It's versatile and can be used for both front-end and back-end development (with Node.js).

  • Companies Using It: Facebook (for React), Google (for Angular), and Netflix. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are widely adopted.


  • Summary: A superset of JavaScript, TypeScript adds static types to the language. It's designed to develop large applications and transcompiles to JavaScript.

  • Best For: Large-scale applications where code maintainability and scalability are crucial. It helps in catching errors early during development.

  • Companies Using It: Microsoft, Asana, and Slack. TypeScript is increasingly popular for its robustness in large projects.

React (JavaScript library)

  • Summary: Although not a language, React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, primarily for single-page applications. It enables the development of reusable UI components.

  • Best For: Web applications that require a dynamic and responsive user interface. It's great for high-performance applications due to its virtual DOM implementation.

  • Companies Using It: Facebook (creator), Instagram, and Airbnb.

Vue.js (JavaScript Framework)

  • Summary: A progressive JavaScript framework used for building UIs and single-page applications. It's designed to be incrementally adoptable.

  • Best For: Applications and websites that require a lightweight and flexible framework. It's easy to integrate with other projects and libraries.

  • Companies Using It: Alibaba, Xiaomi, and Adobe.

Angular (JavaScript Framework)

  • Summary: A platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Angular offers a comprehensive solution with tools for routing, forms, HTTP client, and more.

  • Best For: Enterprise-level applications, where a full framework offering a wide range of features out of the box is beneficial.

  • Companies Using It: Google (creator), Forbes, and Upwork.

Skills for Modern Front-End Developers

When you're looking to hire a front-end developer, keep these important skills in mind:

  1. HTML and CSS: These are the building blocks of web development. A good front-end developer should know them inside out.

  2. JavaScript: It's like the magic wand of web interactivity. A front-end developer needs to be fluent in it to create those cool, dynamic features users love.

  3. Other Tech Savvy: Beyond the basics, a great front-end developer should also be comfortable with things like responsive design, CSS preprocessors like SCSS and SASS, and popular frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.

  4. Modern Practices: They should be up-to-date with modern web development practices like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.

  5. Debugging and Testing: Knowing how to troubleshoot and debug code, both in a browser and within development environments, is crucial for ensuring everything runs smoothly.

  6. Tools of the Trade: Familiarity with tools like Webpack for bundling modules and version control systems like Git is also essential for efficient development workflows.

Soft skills are essential for front-end developers, alongside their technical prowess.

Here are the top three soft skills to look for when hiring a full-time front-end developer:

  1. Flexibility: The software industry is always changing, so developers need to adapt. Look for candidates who are flexible and can handle different situations with ease.

  2. Time Management: Being able to organize their time efficiently is a sign of a reliable developer. Ask about how they prioritize tasks and manage deadlines during interviews. Poor time management can affect the whole team, so it's crucial to assess this skill when hiring.

  3. Autonomy: The best working relationships between managers and developers involve trust. Managers should feel confident that developers know their responsibilities and can work independently without constant supervision.

Hiring Strategy

Attracting the right front-end talent is akin to finding a needle in a digital haystack. It's not just about sifting through resumes; it's about engaging with the community, understanding the evolving skill sets, and recognizing the growth potential. Competitive salaries and perks draw attention, but it’s the promise of challenging projects, professional development, and a collaborative culture that wins hearts.

Let’s break down the salary structure:

(According to GDYN)

Evaluating front-end candidates is a multidimensional process. It involves assessing technical skills through coding challenges and real-world scenarios, but also gauging soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability. After all, the right developer not only has the skills to bring your digital projects to life but also shares your enthusiasm for creating exceptional user experiences.

Final Thought

The demand for skilled developers poised to innovate, adapt, and create memorable digital experiences is set to rise. It’s a future where technology meets creativity, where the next click might just take us on an unexpected journey.

In wrapping up this exploration of front-end development, it’s clear that we’re not just talking about coding—we’re talking about a craft. A craft that requires passion, precision, and a perpetual drive to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital world. For businesses, investing in this craft means investing in a digital future that's not only functional but unforgettable.

In today's digital age, where a website's first impression can make or break a user's perception, the art and science of front-end development have taken center stage. Imagine front-end development as the bridge connecting the technical world of coding with the creative realm of design, a place where aesthetics meet functionality to create seamless, user-friendly experiences. This nuanced blend of skills and technologies is not just about making websites look pretty; it's about crafting digital experiences that resonate with users, promote brand identity, and drive user engagement. Teaching yourself how to hire a frontend developer, is crucial for your business

Front-End Trends in 2024

The front-end development is in a constant state of flux, with 2024 marking a year of exciting innovations and challenges. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are blurring the lines between web and mobile apps, offering users a smooth, app-like experience without the need for downloads. The rise of Jamstack architecture and serverless technologies is revolutionizing how we think about web development—emphasizing speed, security, and scalability.

When Do You Need a Front-End Developer?

1. Building a New Website

  • Tasks: Design and develop the website's layout, integrate graphics and multimedia and ensure the site is responsive and mobile-friendly.

  • Solution: A front-end developer can translate the company's vision into a functional and aesthetically pleasing website, focusing on the look and feel, as well as the site's responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes.

2. Developing Web Applications

  • Tasks: Build interactive and dynamic single-page applications (SPAs), create forms and user input validation, and ensure cross-browser compatibility.

  • Solution: For applications requiring real-time user interaction without reloading the page, front-end developers use frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to create a seamless experience.

3. Ensuring Website Accessibility

  • Tasks: Implement accessibility standards (WCAG), ensure the website is usable for people with disabilities, and conduct accessibility audits.

  • Solution: To make the web more inclusive, front-end developers focus on accessibility, ensuring that websites are navigable and functional for users with a wide range of abilities.

4. Improving Website Performance

  • Tasks: Optimize loading times, implement code splitting, optimize images and assets, and ensure the site is accessible to all users.

  • Solution: A front-end developer can significantly improve a website's loading time and overall performance by optimizing the front-end resources, which can lead to better user retention and higher SEO rankings.

5. Integrating with Backend Services

  • Tasks: Work closely with backend developers to integrate APIs for fetching and displaying data, and handle user authentication and sessions.

  • Solution: Front-end developers need to connect the website or web application's front-end with server-side technologies and databases, fetching and displaying data dynamically to users.

Don’t have backend developers yet and don’t know if you need them? Our latest read is here to help. We've broken down what backend development really means, helping you spot the moment it's time to expand your team with these essential talents. Plus, we'll guide you through finding the best minds for the job.

Now let’s get back to our frontend side, If you already have a brilliant idea but don’t know yet what technology to use, I hope this explanation will be helpful:

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

  • Summary: The backbone of the web, HTML is not a programming language per se but a markup language that structures web content. It defines the skeleton of web pages, embedding links, paragraphs, headings, and data tables.

  • Best For: All types of web projects, from simple informational websites to complex web applications.

  • Companies Using It: Every company with a website uses HTML, including tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

  • Summary: CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML. It controls the layout, colors, fonts, and the overall visual aspect of the web.

  • Best For: Styling web pages and user interfaces for applications. It's crucial for creating responsive designs that work on various devices.

  • Companies Using It: Similar to HTML, every company with a web presence utilizes CSS, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


  • Summary: A powerful scripting language that enables interactive web pages. It's essential for adding dynamic content, animations, and form validations to websites, making the user experience more engaging.

  • Best For: Single Page Applications (SPAs), real-time data visualization, and interactive web applications. It's versatile and can be used for both front-end and back-end development (with Node.js).

  • Companies Using It: Facebook (for React), Google (for Angular), and Netflix. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are widely adopted.


  • Summary: A superset of JavaScript, TypeScript adds static types to the language. It's designed to develop large applications and transcompiles to JavaScript.

  • Best For: Large-scale applications where code maintainability and scalability are crucial. It helps in catching errors early during development.

  • Companies Using It: Microsoft, Asana, and Slack. TypeScript is increasingly popular for its robustness in large projects.

React (JavaScript library)

  • Summary: Although not a language, React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, primarily for single-page applications. It enables the development of reusable UI components.

  • Best For: Web applications that require a dynamic and responsive user interface. It's great for high-performance applications due to its virtual DOM implementation.

  • Companies Using It: Facebook (creator), Instagram, and Airbnb.

Vue.js (JavaScript Framework)

  • Summary: A progressive JavaScript framework used for building UIs and single-page applications. It's designed to be incrementally adoptable.

  • Best For: Applications and websites that require a lightweight and flexible framework. It's easy to integrate with other projects and libraries.

  • Companies Using It: Alibaba, Xiaomi, and Adobe.

Angular (JavaScript Framework)

  • Summary: A platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Angular offers a comprehensive solution with tools for routing, forms, HTTP client, and more.

  • Best For: Enterprise-level applications, where a full framework offering a wide range of features out of the box is beneficial.

  • Companies Using It: Google (creator), Forbes, and Upwork.

Skills for Modern Front-End Developers

When you're looking to hire a front-end developer, keep these important skills in mind:

  1. HTML and CSS: These are the building blocks of web development. A good front-end developer should know them inside out.

  2. JavaScript: It's like the magic wand of web interactivity. A front-end developer needs to be fluent in it to create those cool, dynamic features users love.

  3. Other Tech Savvy: Beyond the basics, a great front-end developer should also be comfortable with things like responsive design, CSS preprocessors like SCSS and SASS, and popular frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.

  4. Modern Practices: They should be up-to-date with modern web development practices like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.

  5. Debugging and Testing: Knowing how to troubleshoot and debug code, both in a browser and within development environments, is crucial for ensuring everything runs smoothly.

  6. Tools of the Trade: Familiarity with tools like Webpack for bundling modules and version control systems like Git is also essential for efficient development workflows.

Soft skills are essential for front-end developers, alongside their technical prowess.

Here are the top three soft skills to look for when hiring a full-time front-end developer:

  1. Flexibility: The software industry is always changing, so developers need to adapt. Look for candidates who are flexible and can handle different situations with ease.

  2. Time Management: Being able to organize their time efficiently is a sign of a reliable developer. Ask about how they prioritize tasks and manage deadlines during interviews. Poor time management can affect the whole team, so it's crucial to assess this skill when hiring.

  3. Autonomy: The best working relationships between managers and developers involve trust. Managers should feel confident that developers know their responsibilities and can work independently without constant supervision.

Hiring Strategy

Attracting the right front-end talent is akin to finding a needle in a digital haystack. It's not just about sifting through resumes; it's about engaging with the community, understanding the evolving skill sets, and recognizing the growth potential. Competitive salaries and perks draw attention, but it’s the promise of challenging projects, professional development, and a collaborative culture that wins hearts.

Let’s break down the salary structure:

(According to GDYN)

Evaluating front-end candidates is a multidimensional process. It involves assessing technical skills through coding challenges and real-world scenarios, but also gauging soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability. After all, the right developer not only has the skills to bring your digital projects to life but also shares your enthusiasm for creating exceptional user experiences.

Final Thought

The demand for skilled developers poised to innovate, adapt, and create memorable digital experiences is set to rise. It’s a future where technology meets creativity, where the next click might just take us on an unexpected journey.

In wrapping up this exploration of front-end development, it’s clear that we’re not just talking about coding—we’re talking about a craft. A craft that requires passion, precision, and a perpetual drive to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital world. For businesses, investing in this craft means investing in a digital future that's not only functional but unforgettable.


Nazar Horbachevskyy

Nazar Horbachevskyy

Leaving behind a football career, Nazar became a party entertainer. After too many costume changes, he decided it was time for a more “serious” job. He’s now an account manager, hopelessly believing people can fix anything as long as they express their thoughts.
He still changes before each call.

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