Back-end dev working on a complicated task

Feb 23, 2024

When and How to Hire Back-End Developers in 2024

Explore the crucial role of back-end developers, delving into key skills, hiring best practices, and overcoming talent scarcity challenges. Discover how to build a strong foundation for your development projects by attracting and retaining top back-end talent.

In today's digital-driven market, the role of a back-end developer is more critical than ever. These professionals are the backbone of web development, ensuring the server, application, and database communicate effectively. This article focuses on the pivotal process of hiring back-end developers, incorporating insights from industry practices and highlighting the skills, assessments, and strategies necessary to secure top-tier talent.

Understanding the Role of Back-End Developers

Backend development serves as the backbone of software creation, connecting the behind-the-scenes code with what users see on their screens. It's like building the foundation of a house, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and data flows seamlessly between different parts of the application. This involves a series of interactions with servers housing massive amounts of data to keep the software dynamic and engaging for users.

Back-end developers work behind the scenes to maintain the web's functionality. They handle database interactions, server logic, API integration, and the implementation of security measures. Proficient in languages like Java, Python, and Ruby, they also possess a deep understanding of database management systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. You might think “What language I should focus on for my project?” Let me give you a hand.

Python - is known for its simplicity and readability, making it a great choice for rapid development.

Ideal for: Web applications, Data-driven applications, Machine Learning, and startups due to its quick development turnaround.

Companies: Instagram, Spotify.

JavaScript (Node.js) - Node.js allows JavaScript to be used on the server side, enabling full-stack development with a single language. It's known for its non-blocking I/O model, which makes it efficient for real-time applications and scalable solutions.

Ideal for: Real-time applications, Single Page Applications (SPAs), and RESTful services where scalability and speed are crucial.

Companies: Netflix, LinkedIn.

Java - known for its stability, scalability, and extensive library ecosystem. Java is widely used in large enterprise environments, Android app development, and web applications.

Ideal for: Enterprise-level applications, Android apps, and large-scale systems that require reliability and scalability.

Companies: eBay, Uber.

C# - Developed by Microsoft, C# is a powerful, type-safe language used primarily on the .NET framework.

Ideal for: Windows desktop applications, games, enterprise software, and web services.

Companies: Microsoft, Stack Overflow.

Ruby (Ruby on Rails) - known for its convention over configuration philosophy, which simplifies development and makes it highly productive.

Ideal for: Web applications and startups looking for rapid development and deployment.

Companies: Shopify, Airbnb.

Go (Golang) - is designed for simplicity, efficiency, and performance.

Ideal for: Cloud services, distributed systems, and microservices where performance and concurrency are key.

Companies: Google, Uber.

Why Exactly Do You Need Back-End Developers?

Hiring a back-end developer is crucial for several scenarios in the lifecycle of a project or an organization's digital infrastructure. Here are several examples when you might need to hire a back-end developer:

  1. Optimizing Database Performance:

  • Task: Design database schemas, optimize queries, and manage indexing for high-performance data access and storage.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: This requires a deep understanding of database management systems and query optimization, which are specialized skills of back-end developers, not typically within the expertise of front-end or full-stack developers who may have broader but shallower knowledge across the stack.

  1. Developing Microservices Architecture:

  • Task: Design and implement microservices architecture to support scalable and flexible application development.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: Microservices design involves complex decisions about service boundaries, data ownership, and inter-service communication, which are best handled by someone with a strong back-end development background.

  1. Automating Back-end Deployment and CI/CD Pipelines:

  • Task: Set up continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for automated testing and deployment of back-end code.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: This requires knowledge of software development practices, version control, and deployment strategies that are specific to server-side code management.

  1. Ensuring Application Scalability:

  • Task: Architect the back-end to handle increased loads and users, involving load balancing, caching strategies, and database sharding.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: Scalability involves deep technical knowledge of server-side components and infrastructure, which is a specialized area of expertise for back-end developers.

Key Skills to Look For

Technical Proficiency

  • Programming Languages: Look for expertise in server-side languages, such as Python, Java, and Node.js, which are essential for developing the application logic.

  • Database Management: Proficiency in both SQL and NoSQL databases is crucial for data storage, retrieval, and manipulation tasks.

  • API Development: Experience in creating and managing RESTful services for smooth communication between the front-end and back-end.

  • Security Practices: Knowledge of encryption, authentication, and authorization practices to protect data and ensure privacy.

Soft Skills

  • Problem-Solving Ability: Essential for diagnosing and addressing technical challenges.

  • Adaptability: The tech landscape is ever-evolving; developers must be eager to learn new languages and frameworks.

  • Collaboration: Back-end developers frequently collaborate with front-end peers, designers, and project managers, necessitating strong teamwork skills.

Hiring Process: Best Practices

Crafting the Job Description

Begin with a detailed job description that highlights both the technical skills and the soft skills you're looking for. This clarity helps attract candidates who not only have the right experience but also align with your company culture.

Assessing Technical Skills

Implement a multifaceted assessment approach to evaluate technical skills:

  • Coding Challenges: Present real-world problems that they're likely to encounter in the role.

  • Technical Interviews: Use these to gauge their thought process, problem-solving approach, and depth of knowledge.

  • Portfolio Review: Ask for a portfolio or GitHub profile to review past projects, code quality, and contributions to open-source projects.

Evaluating Soft Skills

Soft skills are equally crucial for a back-end developer's success. During the interview process:

  • Ask about past collaborations with front-end developers and other team members.

  • Discuss scenarios that require quick learning and adaptation.

  • Probe into their problem-solving approach through behavioral interview questions.

Cultural Fit

Ensure the candidate aligns with your company's values and work environment. A developer who fits well with your team's culture is more likely to be productive and stay longer with your company.

Challenges and Solutions in Hiring

Talent Scarcity

The demand for skilled back-end developers often outstrips supply. Broaden your search by considering remote candidates or investing in training for developers with potential.

Technical Evaluation

Creating a fair yet challenging technical assessment can be difficult. Tailor your evaluation process to mimic actual tasks the developer will face, and consider pair programming exercises to assess their coding and collaboration skills in real-time.


Retaining top back-end developers is as crucial as hiring them. Offer competitive salaries, opportunities for professional development, and a positive work culture to keep your team stable and motivated. When it comes to compensation, there are various factors to consider such as years of experience and location. Let's break it down a bit: In the USA, the average salary hovers around $108,000 annually (which translates to roughly $9,000 per month). In Europe, there are some differences to note. For instance, in Western Europe, you might expect an average of $72,000 per year (around $6,000 per month), while in Eastern Europe, it could be around $54,000 per year (approximately $4,500 per month). These figures may vary based on specific circumstances, but they give you a general idea of the differences across regions.

Overcoming Hiring Challenges with a Recruitment Agency

In the competitive back-end development market, bridging the talent gap is crucial. Tech-focused recruitment agencies offer access to a diverse pool of pre-vetted candidates, including passive job seekers. By partnering with Frontrunnrs, you gain streamlined technical assessments, reducing time-to-hire and allowing focus on core business activities. Moreover, we provide quality assurance through guarantee periods, ensuring a perfect match or a replacement at no extra cost.

Final Thought

Hiring the right back-end developer is a nuanced process that requires attention to both technical and interpersonal skills. By understanding the role's demands, carefully evaluating candidates, and ensuring a good cultural fit, companies can build a strong foundation for their development projects. In 2024, as technology continues to advance, the back-end developer's role will only grow in importance, making the right hiring strategies more crucial than ever.

In today's digital-driven market, the role of a back-end developer is more critical than ever. These professionals are the backbone of web development, ensuring the server, application, and database communicate effectively. This article focuses on the pivotal process of hiring back-end developers, incorporating insights from industry practices and highlighting the skills, assessments, and strategies necessary to secure top-tier talent.

Understanding the Role of Back-End Developers

Backend development serves as the backbone of software creation, connecting the behind-the-scenes code with what users see on their screens. It's like building the foundation of a house, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and data flows seamlessly between different parts of the application. This involves a series of interactions with servers housing massive amounts of data to keep the software dynamic and engaging for users.

Back-end developers work behind the scenes to maintain the web's functionality. They handle database interactions, server logic, API integration, and the implementation of security measures. Proficient in languages like Java, Python, and Ruby, they also possess a deep understanding of database management systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. You might think “What language I should focus on for my project?” Let me give you a hand.

Python - is known for its simplicity and readability, making it a great choice for rapid development.

Ideal for: Web applications, Data-driven applications, Machine Learning, and startups due to its quick development turnaround.

Companies: Instagram, Spotify.

JavaScript (Node.js) - Node.js allows JavaScript to be used on the server side, enabling full-stack development with a single language. It's known for its non-blocking I/O model, which makes it efficient for real-time applications and scalable solutions.

Ideal for: Real-time applications, Single Page Applications (SPAs), and RESTful services where scalability and speed are crucial.

Companies: Netflix, LinkedIn.

Java - known for its stability, scalability, and extensive library ecosystem. Java is widely used in large enterprise environments, Android app development, and web applications.

Ideal for: Enterprise-level applications, Android apps, and large-scale systems that require reliability and scalability.

Companies: eBay, Uber.

C# - Developed by Microsoft, C# is a powerful, type-safe language used primarily on the .NET framework.

Ideal for: Windows desktop applications, games, enterprise software, and web services.

Companies: Microsoft, Stack Overflow.

Ruby (Ruby on Rails) - known for its convention over configuration philosophy, which simplifies development and makes it highly productive.

Ideal for: Web applications and startups looking for rapid development and deployment.

Companies: Shopify, Airbnb.

Go (Golang) - is designed for simplicity, efficiency, and performance.

Ideal for: Cloud services, distributed systems, and microservices where performance and concurrency are key.

Companies: Google, Uber.

Why Exactly Do You Need Back-End Developers?

Hiring a back-end developer is crucial for several scenarios in the lifecycle of a project or an organization's digital infrastructure. Here are several examples when you might need to hire a back-end developer:

  1. Optimizing Database Performance:

  • Task: Design database schemas, optimize queries, and manage indexing for high-performance data access and storage.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: This requires a deep understanding of database management systems and query optimization, which are specialized skills of back-end developers, not typically within the expertise of front-end or full-stack developers who may have broader but shallower knowledge across the stack.

  1. Developing Microservices Architecture:

  • Task: Design and implement microservices architecture to support scalable and flexible application development.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: Microservices design involves complex decisions about service boundaries, data ownership, and inter-service communication, which are best handled by someone with a strong back-end development background.

  1. Automating Back-end Deployment and CI/CD Pipelines:

  • Task: Set up continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for automated testing and deployment of back-end code.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: This requires knowledge of software development practices, version control, and deployment strategies that are specific to server-side code management.

  1. Ensuring Application Scalability:

  • Task: Architect the back-end to handle increased loads and users, involving load balancing, caching strategies, and database sharding.

  • Why a Back-end Developer: Scalability involves deep technical knowledge of server-side components and infrastructure, which is a specialized area of expertise for back-end developers.

Key Skills to Look For

Technical Proficiency

  • Programming Languages: Look for expertise in server-side languages, such as Python, Java, and Node.js, which are essential for developing the application logic.

  • Database Management: Proficiency in both SQL and NoSQL databases is crucial for data storage, retrieval, and manipulation tasks.

  • API Development: Experience in creating and managing RESTful services for smooth communication between the front-end and back-end.

  • Security Practices: Knowledge of encryption, authentication, and authorization practices to protect data and ensure privacy.

Soft Skills

  • Problem-Solving Ability: Essential for diagnosing and addressing technical challenges.

  • Adaptability: The tech landscape is ever-evolving; developers must be eager to learn new languages and frameworks.

  • Collaboration: Back-end developers frequently collaborate with front-end peers, designers, and project managers, necessitating strong teamwork skills.

Hiring Process: Best Practices

Crafting the Job Description

Begin with a detailed job description that highlights both the technical skills and the soft skills you're looking for. This clarity helps attract candidates who not only have the right experience but also align with your company culture.

Assessing Technical Skills

Implement a multifaceted assessment approach to evaluate technical skills:

  • Coding Challenges: Present real-world problems that they're likely to encounter in the role.

  • Technical Interviews: Use these to gauge their thought process, problem-solving approach, and depth of knowledge.

  • Portfolio Review: Ask for a portfolio or GitHub profile to review past projects, code quality, and contributions to open-source projects.

Evaluating Soft Skills

Soft skills are equally crucial for a back-end developer's success. During the interview process:

  • Ask about past collaborations with front-end developers and other team members.

  • Discuss scenarios that require quick learning and adaptation.

  • Probe into their problem-solving approach through behavioral interview questions.

Cultural Fit

Ensure the candidate aligns with your company's values and work environment. A developer who fits well with your team's culture is more likely to be productive and stay longer with your company.

Challenges and Solutions in Hiring

Talent Scarcity

The demand for skilled back-end developers often outstrips supply. Broaden your search by considering remote candidates or investing in training for developers with potential.

Technical Evaluation

Creating a fair yet challenging technical assessment can be difficult. Tailor your evaluation process to mimic actual tasks the developer will face, and consider pair programming exercises to assess their coding and collaboration skills in real-time.


Retaining top back-end developers is as crucial as hiring them. Offer competitive salaries, opportunities for professional development, and a positive work culture to keep your team stable and motivated. When it comes to compensation, there are various factors to consider such as years of experience and location. Let's break it down a bit: In the USA, the average salary hovers around $108,000 annually (which translates to roughly $9,000 per month). In Europe, there are some differences to note. For instance, in Western Europe, you might expect an average of $72,000 per year (around $6,000 per month), while in Eastern Europe, it could be around $54,000 per year (approximately $4,500 per month). These figures may vary based on specific circumstances, but they give you a general idea of the differences across regions.

Overcoming Hiring Challenges with a Recruitment Agency

In the competitive back-end development market, bridging the talent gap is crucial. Tech-focused recruitment agencies offer access to a diverse pool of pre-vetted candidates, including passive job seekers. By partnering with Frontrunnrs, you gain streamlined technical assessments, reducing time-to-hire and allowing focus on core business activities. Moreover, we provide quality assurance through guarantee periods, ensuring a perfect match or a replacement at no extra cost.

Final Thought

Hiring the right back-end developer is a nuanced process that requires attention to both technical and interpersonal skills. By understanding the role's demands, carefully evaluating candidates, and ensuring a good cultural fit, companies can build a strong foundation for their development projects. In 2024, as technology continues to advance, the back-end developer's role will only grow in importance, making the right hiring strategies more crucial than ever.


Nazar Horbachevskyy

Nazar Horbachevskyy

Leaving behind a football career, Nazar became a party entertainer. After too many costume changes, he decided it was time for a more “serious” job. He’s now an account manager, hopelessly believing people can fix anything as long as they express their thoughts.
He still changes before each call.

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